Choosing a designer for your integrated report the easy part. It’s knowing what to put in it that stumps many

South Africa is renowned as the world-leader when it comes to integrated reporting. This is no doubt due to strides our very own Mervyn King has taken in the field of corporate governance over the past twenty-plus years. Since chairing the first official committee on corporate governance in 1993, Prof. King has issued several reports – the famed King Reports each one more enriched and enhanced than the last. Companies listed on the JSE have been required to prepare integrated reports since 2010, and now, as from 1 April 2017 the King IV Report™ is in play.

That being said, you’d think we’d be cracking integrated reporting as a whole, but it seems to be easier said than done.

Challenges experienced by companies in compiling their reports include describing one’s business model using the capitals based approach, articulating non-financial value, showing connections between different factors that affect value, and meaningfully quantifying the inputs, outputs, and outcomes.

Integrated reporting came about as a solution to the limitations of the annual report where these reports were often complex, did not provide non-financial information on the value of the company and were not useful in providing a long-term view for the company. As a result, integrated reporting is intended to make “it easier for the reader to draw insightful connections between key pieces of information in the context of the investment decision-making process, to give a clear view of the firm’s strategy and process and to allow long-term quantifiable risks or opportunities to be taken into account,” says Marco Frasan.

If you’re having trouble figuring out how to do this yourself, don’t feel alone. Blue Apple now offers free half-day sessions for companies to guide them through the compiling of a successful document as part of their integrated reporting offering. To get in touch click here or call  011 327 3500.

TM Copyright and trademarks are owned by the Institute of Directors in Southern Africa

Read more on integrated reporting:

KING IVTM AS EASY AS 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 17
Six key features of integrated reporting according to King IV are outlined and explained.

Before you put pen to paper, have a read through this article for tips on the big picture, the finer detail and the framework that will hold it all together.

More is not always better; especially when it comes to reporting on your company’s performance. Here we unpack the definition of integrated reporting so you know exactly what needs to be included and how much of it.

Seven common mistakes made in writing that you don’t want to see in your integrated report.

How to use a digital report to your advantage.

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