Your trusty digital sidekick, or emotionless and creativeless robot?

It’s report season, and you’re tempted to let ChatGPT do some of the hard work for you. Need a section on sustainability metrics? Done in seconds. Need background on sustainability? Gotcha. Suddenly deadlines seem less terrifying, and your coffee breaks more luxurious. But it’s not personal, and frankly some would say, it’s just not cricket. Let’s seesaw between the pros and cons and you decide.

Con: The Human Touch 
AI might not understand why your CEO insists on starting every paragraph with a motivational quote or why last year’s team-building retreat deserves a mention. It’s efficient but not always empathetic.

Pro: Grammar Guru 
Say goodbye to typos and grammar slip-ups. AI ensures your report is polished and professional, saving you from the dreaded “there/their/they’re” debacle.

Con: Creative Constraints 
AI’s creativity can be, well, a bit robotic. While it’s great at data interpretation, it might not suggest turning your sales figures into an infographic or a pie chart into something less pie-like.

Pro: Data Dynamo 
Complex data? No problem. AI turns your spreadsheets into compelling narratives that even your most number-averse stakeholders can understand. Leave the interpretation to the experts though.

Con: Individuality 
Not all reports incorporate a sense of humour, but AI might not get your company’s inside jokes, the subtle DNA, your culture or personality. Make sure that your uniqueness isn’t lost in the written word, design or look of your report by relying on AI getting it right.

There’s no denying that AI is a fantastic assistant, yet the best reports blend its efficiency with your personality as a client and the objectivity of your publisher. Embrace the partnership, and you’ll have a report that’s all-rounded and distinctly yours.

Blue Apple has been helping companies produce award-winning integrated and annual reports for 25 years. Chat to us here if you’d like us to help you write, design, publish or workshop your next report.

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