Annual reports are so last year. Merely reporting on your numbers and how the business impacts its shareholders used to be pretty one-sided. Enter Integrated Reporting (IR). While IR has been around since 2002 when a Danish CEO of Novozymes decided to report on the integrated financial, environmental, social and economic significance of his business; some people still wince at the thought of doing their business justice through this important document.
For a few years the early adopters didn’t have a clear framework until the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) decided on one in 2013.
Over the next few weeks, we will be unpacking the three pillars to highlight what they mean practically for your business and how you can make sure that they support your strategy. Keep an eye out for our articles focusing on the Capitals, the Guiding Principles and the Content Elements.
Blue Apple has been publishing award-winning, annual sustainability and integrated reports for over 20 years and runs workshops for their clients or anyone who wishes to know how to produce a successful report.